Tamar Tolls Petition Presentation to Parliament

Thank you to over 6300 people from across Cornwall, Devon and beyond who signed this petition, either in hard copy or online.
Note also the additional support to Sheryll Murray MP and Johnny Mercer from other West Country MP’s listed below.
Please see below video clip of the BBC Spotlight report and subsequent presentation of the petition that over 6300 of you signed and Sheryll Murray MP presented to the Public Petitions office of Parliament.
Pursuant to Standing Order No.156, the petition has been forwarded to the ‘Department for Transport (DfT)’ for their initial consideration. If the petition falls within their remit the associated observation will be tabled in their name. If it is felt that a different department is better placed to respond to the petition, they will receive a copy of the petition on which they can table an observation.
In accordance with the resolution of the House on 25 October 2007:
  • “substantive petitions should normally receive a response from the relevant government department”, and this should normally be within two months of the petition being presented.
  • Petitions and observations on petitions from Government Departments will be printed in Hansard. Petitions will appear on the day they are presented. Observations will be printed, along with a copy of the petition they relate to, as soon as possible after they are received.
BBC news article on same: Tamar Bridge freeze tolls petition given to government

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2 Responses

  1. Alfred Crocker says:

    Hello i run a small business i deliliver all over the south west my vans do not go into Plymouth so much nowaday re the cost ,
    Shame as P[ymouth great town but like everything in England it has priced its self out of the reach of local people .

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