Campaign update.
Welcome to the Tamar Toll Action Group and thank-you for your interest in our campaign.
We were first formed in April 2022 when we learnt at short notice of the almost immediate reduction in discount for Tag account holders with a proposed uplift in tolls planned for January 2023. The Joint Committee now wish to increase the toll again from £2.60 to £3.00. Should they be successful in this, the toll is expected to increase in late 2024. At that time the toll will have been increased by 50% since December 2022 and a staggering 650% since 1992.
Please lend your voice to this campaign by participating with input and comments, either here, on Twitter, on our Facebook Page or in our Facebook Group. Please also sign the petitions at the two links below.
Against the toll uplift, a petition by the South East Cornwall Conservatives:
And one in favour of abolition of the Tolls altogether, a petition by the Lib Dems:
Our thanks again for supporting our campaign.

TTAG meet with Sheryll Murray MP to discuss the #TamarTollTax