Call to Action – Enough is Enough
Saltash Observer July 4th. Join us for our protest march on July 29th.
Saltash Observer July 4th. Join us for our protest march on July 29th.
The campaign to see tolls abolished on the Tamar Bridge and Torpoint Ferry is continuing to win hearts and minds across Cornwall and beyond. by Kerenze Moore of the Cornish Times
The below Article by Lee Trewhela, as featured in the Cornish Times, Plymouth Live, Cornwall Live, the Plymouth Herald (and other outlets) on Thursday 11th May. Cornish Times version attached. There is a growing...
A short update from our Chair on what we’ve been doing of late. We look forward to seeing anyone who wants to talk to us at the Saltash May Fair
However absurd a decade long repair schedule seems, particularly when compared to the sub 3 year timescale to substantially upgrade and widen the Tamar Bridge (at local cost) between 1999 and 2001, it is...
PEOPLE power is bringing a campaign to rid the River Tamar of toll charges a step closer to its goal. MP for South East Cornwall Sheryll Murray has given her support to the Tamar...
Our thanks to Torpoint Town Council for their support in achieving our common goal. See news article here on Torpoint Town Council website
We’re with you Councillor Kirk! A LOCAL councillor is calling for a change in a parliamentary act that is behind the high Tamar Bridge tolls which she deems as unfair, archaic and wrong. Cornwall...
CORNWALL Councillors have voted through a budget for the Tamar Bridge and Torpoint Ferry that will see the committee pursue a path of toll rises linked to inflation. An impassioned case was put by Looe Councillor...
On Saturday 4th March, three of the TTAG committee, Mel Priston (Chair) Scott Slavin (Vice Chair) and Lee Lidstone (Treasurer) had a very useful, interesting and productive meeting with Sheryll Murray and her Office...